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Export configuration


Create webhook as described in Integration Setup and use the right link from the table below (according the Rossum environment of configured account)

Export endpoints

Coupa exports use Custom format templating from Export pipelines and therefore doesn't have any Coupa-specific URL. Instead, use the Custom format templating URLs from the table below:

EnvironmentWebhook URL
EU1 Ireland
EU2 Frankfurt
US east coast
Japan Tokyo

This template then must be sent to the Coupa REST API which can be achieved using the REST API export extension (also part of the generic "Export pipelines" mechanism):

EnvironmentWebhook URL
EU1 Ireland
EU2 Frankfurt
US east coast
Japan Tokyo

Optional secrets schema configuration:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"client_secret": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 1,
"description": "API OAuth Client secret"
"additionalProperties": false

Configuration examples

Invoice & Credit Note

"export_configs": [
"content_encoding": "utf-8",
"export_reference_key": "coupa_invoice_draft",
"file_content_template_multiline": [
" \"currency\": {",
" \"code\": \"{{ field.currency }}\"",
" },",
" \"supplier\": {",
" \"number\": \"{{ field.sender_match }}\"",
" },",
" {% if field.document_type == \"credit_note\" %}",
" \"document-type\": \"Credit Note\",",
" {% else %}",
" \"document-type\": \"Invoice\",",
" {% endif %}",
" \"taggings\": [",
" {",
" \"tag\": {",
" \"name\": \"{{ field.rossum_tag }}\"",
" }",
" }",
" ],",
" \"gross-total\": \"{{ field.amount_total | default(0,true) }}\",",
" \"account-type\": {",
" \"id\": \"{{ field.recipient_export }}\"",
" },",
" \"invoice-date\": \"{{ field.date_issue }}\",",
" \"invoice-number\": \"{{ field.document_id_manual }}\",",
" {% if field.payment_terms_match != \"\" %}",
" \"payment-term\": {",
" \"id\": \"{{ field.payment_terms_match }}\"",
" },",
" {% endif %}",
" \"total-with-taxes\": \"{{ field.amount_total | default(0,true) }}\",",
" \"line-level-taxation\": true,",
" \"original-invoice-date\": \"{{ field.original_date_issue }}\",",
" \"original-invoice-number\": \"{{ field.original_document_id }}\",",
" {% if field.document_type == \"credit_note\" %}",
" \"is-credit-note\": \"true\",",
" {% else %}",
" \"is-credit-note\": \"false\",",
" {% endif %}",
" \"invoice-lines\": [",
" {% for item in field.line_items %}{",
" \"uom\": {",
" \"code\": \"{{ item.item_uom_export }}\"",
" },",
" \"price\": {{ item.item_price_export | default(0,true) }},",
" \"currency\": {",
" \"code\": \"{{ field.currency }}\"",
" },",
" \"type\": \"InvoiceQuantityLine\",",
" \"quantity\": \"{{ item.item_quantity_export }}\",",
" \"po-number\": \"{{ item.item_order_id_calculated }}\",",
" \"description\": \"{{ item.item_description|e | replace('\n',' ') }}\",",
" \"order-line-num\": \"{{ item.item_po_line_number_match }}\",",
" \"order-header-num\": \"{{ item.item_order_id_calculated }}\",",
" \"tax-lines\": {",
" \"tax-line\": {",
" \"type\": \"TaxLine\",",
" {% if item.item_tax_code_match != \"\" %}",
" \"tax-code\": {",
" \"id\": \"{{ item.item_tax_code_match }}\"",
" },",
" {% endif %}",
" \"amount\": \"{{ item.item_tax_calculated }}\",",
" \"rate\": \"{{ item.item_rate_calculated }}\"",
" }",
" }",
" }{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}",
" {% else %}",
" {",
" \"uom\": {",
" \"code\": \"{{ field.uom_export }}\"",
" },",
" \"price\": {{ field.price_export | default(0,true) }},",
" \"currency\": {",
" \"code\": \"{{ field.currency }}\"",
" },",
" \"type\": \"InvoiceQuantityLine\",",
" \"quantity\": \"{{ field.quantity_export }}\",",
" \"po-number\": \"{{ field.order_id_calculated }}\",",
" \"description\": \"{{ field.description_export|e | replace('\n',' ') }}\",",
" \"order-line-num\": \"{{ field.po_line_number_match }}\",",
" \"order-header-num\": \"{{ field.order_id_calculated }}\",",
" \"tax-lines\": {",
" \"tax-line\": {",
" \"type\": \"TaxLine\",",
" {% if field.tax_code_match != \"\" %}",
" \"tax-code\": {",
" \"id\": \"{{ field.item_tax_code_match }}\"",
" },",
" {% endif %}",
" \"amount\": \"{{ field.amount_total_tax_calculated }}\",",
" \"rate\": \"{{ field.tax_rate_calculated }}\"",
" }",
" }",
" }",
" {% endfor %}]",