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JSON Templating

JSON Templating engine is commonly used to configure many of our extensions.

JSON Templating Syntax

The basic and most commonly used syntax is for getting values from the annotation object:

"some_field": "@{schema_id_of_datapoint}"

See also $DATAPOINT_VALUE$ for more verbose syntax.

JSON Templating Operators

Operators are a special syntax that can be used to perform various complex operations when working with JSON.


Returns rendered template specified in mapping for certain value of schema_id.


"_ns_type": {
"schema_id": "document_type",
"mapping": {
"tax_credit": "VendorCredit",
"tax_invoice": "VendorBill"
"fallback_mapping": "Vendor" // optional

This template will return the following for document_type with value tax_credit:

{ "_ns_type": "VendorCredit" }

Similarly, this template will return the following for tax_invoice value:

{ "_ns_type": "VendorBill" }

Finally, the template will return the _ns_type of Vendor if no other value is found. This value can be omitted which will default to null.

Available configuration options

Configuration optionDescriptionRequiredDefault
schema_idSchema ID of the datapoint.YES
mappingMapping of the datapoint value (schema_id).YES
fallback_mappingDefault template that will be used if template for found datapoint value is not provided in the mapping.nonull


$DATAPOINT_VALUE$ is a more verbose syntax for @{schema_id}. In other words, the following examples are identical:

"externalId": "@{ns_external_id_generated}"

Identical to:

"externalId": {
"schema_id": "ns_external_id_generated",
"value_type": "string"

While the latter might seem unnecessary, it is needed when we want to cast the value to a certain type. For example:

"tranDate": {
"schema_id": "date_issue",
"value_type": "iso_datetime"

Available configuration options

Configuration optionDescriptionRequiredDefault
schema_idSchema ID of the datapoint.YES
value_typeType to which the value should be converted. Supported types are: string, integer, float, boolean, and iso_datetime.nostring


Iterates over multiline schema IDs, typically line items.


"items": {
"schema_id": "line_item",
"mapping": {
"_ns_type": "VendorBillItem",
"quantity": "@{item_quantity}",
"description": "@{item_description}"

Will render:

"items": [
"_ns_type": "VendorBillItem",
"quantity": "1",
"description": "Some description 1"
"_ns_type": "VendorBillItem",
"quantity": "2",
"description": "Some description 2"
// …

Inside the for-loop block, you can access a special variables (schema_loop):

  • schema_loop.index for current iteration of the loop indexed from 1
  • schema_loop.index0 for current iteration of the loop indexed from 0

Available configuration options

Configuration optionDescriptionRequiredDefault
schema_idSchema ID of the datapoint.YES
mappingMapping template that will be rendered for each element found with the given schema_id.YES
fallback_mappingMapping template that will be rendered if no element with the given schema_id is[]


Renders the provided mapping template if the value of the given schema_id is equal to value. Otherwise, the whole parent key is skipped.

Note that if element with given schema_id is not found or multiple with the same schema_id is found an exception is raised.


"Other_Field": 123,
"Company_Reference": {
"schema_id": "company_match",
"value": "my_company",
"mapping": {
"field_1": 456,
"field_2": 789

If company_match has value my_company the output will be:

"Other_Field": 123,
"Company_Reference": {
"field_1": 456,
"field_2": 789

If company_match has value that is different from my_company the output will be:

"Other_Field": 123

Available configuration options

Configuration optionDescriptionRequiredDefault
schema_idSchema ID of the relevant datapoint.YES
valueConditional (expected) value in schema_id.YES
fallback_mappingMapping template that will be rendered if schema_id contains value.YES


Similar to $FOR_EACH_SCHEMA_ID$ operation: it checks the existence of schema_id, and it either outputs mapping if the schema_id points to a non-empty value or fallback_mapping otherwise.

Note that if you don't specify the fallback_mapping, it will skip the whole parent key!


"dueDate": {
"schema_id": "date_due",
"mapping": {
"schema_id": "date_due",
"value_type": "iso_datetime"

Available configuration options

Configuration optionDescriptionRequiredDefault
schema_idSchema ID of the datapoint.YES
mappingMapping template that will be rendered if schema_id exists.YES
fallback_mappingMapping template that will be rendered if no element with the given schema_id is found. Note that if you don't specify the fallback_mapping, it will skip the whole parent key!no