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Custom format templating


"Custom format templating" extension is provided and maintained by in the form of webhook. To start using it, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Rossum account.
  2. Navigate to Extensions → My extensions.
  3. Click on Create extension.
  4. Fill the following fields:
    1. Name: Custom format templating
    2. Trigger events: Export
    3. Extension type: Webhook
    4. URL (see below)
  5. In "Advanced settings" select Token owner (should have Admin access)
  6. In the "Additional notification metadata" enable Schemas
  7. Click Create the webhook.
Work in progress

We're still working on this part and would love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to share your feedback or submit a pull request. Thank you! 🙏

EnvironmentWebhook URL
EU1 Ireland
EU2 Frankfurt
US east coast
Japan Tokyo

Basic usage

Work in progress

We're still working on this part and would love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to share your feedback or submit a pull request. Thank you! 🙏

Available configuration options

Work in progress

We're still working on this part and would love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to share your feedback or submit a pull request. Thank you! 🙏

Configuration examples


Maximum five export configs can be defined per annotation export.

Custom CSV

Define CSV header fields as well as the actual datapoints to be exported:

"export_configs": [
"export_id": "export_annotation_to_csv",
"file_content_template": "Document ID,Document Type,Quantity\n{{field.document_id}},{{field.document_type}},{{field.line_items[0].item_quantity}}"

Alternatively, it is possible to leverage file_content_template_multiline for better readability:

"export_configs": [
"export_id": "export_annotation_to_csv",
"file_content_template_multiline": [
"Document ID,Document Type,Quantity",
"content_encoding": "utf-8"

Both of the configurations should generate something like this:

Document ID,Document Type,Quantity

It is also possible to iterate line items:

"export_configs": [
"export_id": "export_annotation_to_csv",
"file_content_template_multiline": [
"Document ID,Document Type,Item Description,Item Quantity",
"{% for item in field.line_items %}{{field.document_id}},{{field.document_type}},{{item.item_description}},{{item.item_quantity}}\n{% endfor %}"
"content_encoding": "utf-8"

The generated CSV would now contain all the line items, for example:

Document ID,Document Type,Item Description,Item Quantity
123456,tax_invoice,AWS services #1,750
123456,tax_invoice,AWS services #2,750
123456,tax_invoice,AWS services #3,750

Note that such created CSV is not available anywhere in the UI, but it's rather created as a "document" which is referenced via annotation metadata (on annotation export event).

// …
"metadata": {
"custom_format_exports": [
"document": "",
"export_id": "export_annotation_to_csv"

This extension is typically to be used in combination with REST API Export extension which knows how to work with it.

Custom XML

Similarly to other formats, custom XML can be defined using the following template:

"export_configs": [
"export_id": "export_annotation_to_xml",
"content_encoding": "utf-8",
"file_content_template_multiline": [
" <HEADER>",
" <DOCUMENT_ID>{{ field.document_id }}</DOCUMENT_ID>",
" <DOCUMENT_TYPE>{{ field.document_type }}</DOCUMENT_TYPE>",
" <DATE_ISSUE>{{ field.date_issue }}</DATE_ISSUE>",
" <DATE_DUE>{{ field.date_due }}</DATE_DUE>",
" <CURRENCY>{{ field.currency|upper }}</CURRENCY>",
" <AMOUNT_TOTAL>{{ field.amount_total }}</AMOUNT_TOTAL>",
" <AMOUNT_TOTAL_TAX>{{ field.amount_total_tax }}</AMOUNT_TOTAL_TAX>",
" </HEADER>",
" </INVOICE>",

Custom JSON

"export_configs": [
"export_id": "export_annotation_to_json",
"content_encoding": "utf-8",
"file_content_template_multiline": [
" \"document_id\": \"{{ field.document_id }}\",",
" \"document_type\": \"{{ field.document_type }}\",",
" \"line_items\": [",
" {% for item in field.line_items %}{",
" \"code\": \"{{ item.item_code }}\",",
" \"description\": \"{{ item.item_description }}\",",
" \"quantity\": {{ item.item_quantity }},",
" \"amount\": {{ item.item_amount }},",
" }{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}",
" {% endfor %}]",