Serverless functions
Examples of common or interesting serverless functions (using TxScript
Accounts Payable Checks
Historically, there was an "Accounts Payable Checks" extension in the Rossum store which was used to validate basic calculations on invoices, for example. Nowadays, it is not necessary since the same can be easily achieved using custom serverless function. The following is a (loosely) migrated example of the extension configuration:
We're still working on this part and would love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to share your feedback or submit a pull request. Thank you! 🙏
import math
from rossum_python import RossumPython, is_set, is_empty, default_to
from datetime import datetime
def rossum_hook_request_handler(payload):
x = RossumPython.from_payload(payload)
rounding = 2
# 1: "Total Amount" (amount_total) == "Total Without Tax" (amount_total_base) + "Tax Amount" (amount_total_tax)
if is_set(x.field.amount_total) and is_set(x.field.amount_total_base) and is_set(x.field.amount_total_tax):
amount_total_ocr = round(x.field.amount_total, rounding)
amount_total_calculated = round(x.field.amount_total_base + x.field.amount_total_tax, rounding)
if not math.isclose(amount_total_ocr, amount_total_calculated):
message = f"Total Amount is not calculated correctly (expected: ~{amount_total_calculated})."
x.show_warning(message, x.field.amount_total)
x.automation_blocker(message, x.field.amount_total)
# 2: Check if "Due Date" (date_due) is within 0 to 120 days after "Invoice Date" (date_issue)
if is_set(x.field.date_issue) and is_set(x.field.date_due):
days_difference = (x.field.date_due - x.field.date_issue).days
if not (0 <= days_difference <= 120):
message = f"Due Date ({x.field.date_due}) is not within 120 days after Invoice Date ({x.field.date_issue})."
x.show_warning(message, x.field.date_due)
x.automation_blocker(message, x.field.date_due)
## TAX DETAILS table ##
for row in x.field.tax_details:
# 3: "VAT Amount" (tax_detail_tax) == "VAT Base" (tax_detail_base) * "VAT Rate" (tax_detail_rate)
if is_set(row.tax_detail_tax) and is_set(row.tax_detail_base) and is_set(row.tax_detail_rate):
tax_detail_tax_ocr = round(row.tax_detail_tax, rounding)
tax_detail_tax_calculated = round(row.tax_detail_base * (row.tax_detail_rate / 100), rounding)
if not math.isclose(tax_detail_tax_ocr, tax_detail_tax_calculated):
message = f"VAT amount is not calculated correctly (expected: ~{tax_detail_tax_calculated})."
x.show_warning(message, row.tax_detail_tax)
x.automation_blocker(message, row.tax_detail_tax)
Original default configuration of the "Accounts Payable Checks" extension (for reference).
The config examples are numbered for easier orientation:
"checks": [
// 1
"left": ["amount_total"],
"right": ["amount_total_base", "amount_total_tax"],
"epsilon": 0.5,
"operation": "check_left_sum_equals_right_sum",
"message_type": "warning",
"message_content": "{amount_total} is not equal to {amount_total_base} + {amount_total_tax}."
// 2
"left": "date_issue",
"right": "date_due",
"data_type": "date",
"operation": "check_right_minus_left_within_range",
"lower_bound": 0,
"upper_bound": 120,
"message_type": "warning",
"message_content": "{date_due} is not within 120 days after {date_issue}."
// 3
"left": ["tax_detail_tax"],
"right": ["tax_detail_base", "tax_detail_rate"],
"epsilon": 0.5,
"operation": "check_left_sum_equals_right_multiplication",
"message_type": "warning",
"message_content": "{tax_detail_tax} is not equal to {tax_detail_base} x {tax_detail_rate}."
// 4
"left": ["tax_detail_total"],
"right": ["tax_detail_base", "tax_detail_tax"],
"epsilon": 0.5,
"operation": "check_left_sum_equals_right_sum",
"message_type": "warning",
"message_content": "{tax_detail_total} is not equal to {tax_detail_base} + {tax_detail_tax}."
// 5
"left": ["item_amount_total"],
"right": ["item_total_base", "item_tax"],
"epsilon": 0.5,
"operation": "check_left_sum_equals_right_sum",
"message_type": "warning",
"message_content": "{item_amount_total} is not equal to {item_total_base} + {item_tax}."
// 6
"left": ["item_total_base"],
"right": ["item_amount_base", "item_quantity"],
"epsilon": 0.5,
"operation": "check_left_sum_equals_right_multiplication",
"message_type": "warning",
"message_content": "{item_total_base} is not equal to {item_amount_base} x {item_quantity}."
// 7
"left": ["item_amount_total"],
"right": ["item_amount", "item_quantity"],
"epsilon": 0.5,
"operation": "check_left_sum_equals_right_multiplication",
"message_type": "warning",
"message_content": "{item_amount_total} is not equal to {item_amount} x {item_quantity}."
// 8
"left": ["item_tax"],
"right": ["item_total_base", "item_rate"],
"epsilon": 0.5,
"operation": "check_left_sum_equals_right_multiplication",
"message_type": "warning",
"message_content": "{item_tax} is not equal to {item_total_base} x {item_rate}."
// 9
"epsilon": 0.5,
"operation": "check_header_field_equals_table_field_sum",
"table_field": "tax_detail_total",
"header_field": "amount_total",
"message_type": "warning",
"message_content": "{amount_total} is not equal to the {tax_detail_total} in the Tax table."
// 10
"epsilon": 0.5,
"operation": "check_header_field_equals_table_field_sum",
"table_field": "tax_detail_base",
"header_field": "amount_total_base",
"message_type": "warning",
"message_content": "{amount_total_base} is not equal to the {tax_detail_base} in the Tax table."
// 11
"epsilon": 0.5,
"operation": "check_header_field_equals_table_field_sum",
"table_field": "tax_detail_tax",
"header_field": "amount_total_tax",
"message_type": "warning",
"message_content": "{amount_total_tax} is not equal to {tax_detail_tax} in the Tax table."
// 12
"epsilon": 0.5,
"operation": "check_header_field_equals_table_field_sum",
"table_field": "item_amount_total",
"header_field": "amount_total",
"message_type": "warning",
"message_content": "{amount_total} is not equal to the sum of the line items’ total amounts."
// 13
"epsilon": 0.5,
"operation": "check_header_field_equals_table_field_sum",
"table_field": "item_total_base",
"header_field": "amount_total_base",
"message_type": "warning",
"message_content": "{amount_total_base} is not equal to the sum of the line items’ total bases."
// 14
"epsilon": 0.5,
"operation": "check_header_field_equals_table_field_sum",
"table_field": "item_tax",
"header_field": "amount_total_tax",
"message_type": "warning",
"message_content": "{amount_total_tax} is not equal to the sum of the line items’ taxes."
Block automation when there are multiple data-matching results
The easiest solution might be to show an empty default value and make the field required. However, in case this is not possible, you can create an automation blocker instead:
from rossum_python import RossumPython
def rossum_hook_request_handler(payload):
x = RossumPython.from_payload(payload)
if len(x.field.data_matching_enum.attr.options) > 1:
message = "Please double-check the selection."
x.show_warning(message, x.field.data_matching_enum)
return x.hook_response()
Copy fields conditionally
Copies either order_id_manual
or order_id
into order_id_normalized
depending on whether the manual field is filled or not:
from txscript import TxScript, is_set
def rossum_hook_request_handler(payload):
t = TxScript.from_payload(payload)
if is_set(t.field.order_id_manual):
t.field.order_id_normalized = t.field.order_id_manual
t.field.order_id_normalized = t.field.order_id
return t.hook_response()
Note that this is just for illustrative purposes. For this particular use-case, always prefer making order_id_normalized
a formula field.
Date format correction
It can sometimes happen that invoices have dates in format M/D/YYYY
format. But because the queue is in the UK region (for example), Rossum sometimes understands the dates incorrectly (5/1/2024 on the invoice is incorrectly read as "Jan 5th" instead of the correct "May 1st"). There is simply no way for Rossum AI to know what the correct date should be (especially when the queue region suggests something else).
This can be additionally corrected using the following simple code (if we know for what specific vendor this should be done):
from datetime import datetime
from txscript import TxScript, is_empty
def rossum_hook_request_handler(payload):
t = TxScript.from_payload(payload)
relevant_entities = [
"123456" # Vendor ABC
t.field.date_issue_normalized = flip_day_month(t.field.date_issue) if t.field.ns_entity_match in relevant_entities else t.field.date_issue
return t.hook_response()
def flip_day_month(date_value):
if is_empty(date_value):
return date_value
day, month =, date_value.month
raw_text = date_value.attr.ocr_raw_text or date_value.attr.rir_raw_text
raw_month, raw_day, raw_year = map(int, raw_text.split('/'))
except ValueError:
# Handle case where raw text isn't in the expected format
return date_value
# Check if the date might be misinterpreted (e.g., 5/1/2024 as January 5th instead of May 1st)
if day == raw_day and month == raw_month:
# No flip needed if day/month match the expected positions
return date_value
# Check if flipping makes logical sense (both day and month must be 12 or below)
if day <= 12 and month <= 12:
return datetime(date_value.year, day=month, month=day)
return date_value
Alternative (and more generic implementation) can be found here:
Get annotation information
from txscript import TxScript
def rossum_hook_request_handler(payload):
t = TxScript.from_payload(payload)
# Annotation ID:
t.field.annotation_id = payload.get("annotation").get("id")
# Document page count:
t.field.page_count = len(payload.get("annotation").get("pages"))
return t.hook_response()
Get document information
from txscript import TxScript
def rossum_hook_request_handler(payload):
t = TxScript.from_payload(payload)
# Arrival date:
t.field.document_arrived_at = payload.get("document").get("arrived_at")
# Original file name:
t.field.document_original_file_name = payload.get("document").get("original_file_name")
return t.hook_response()
Get queue name
To store the queue name in a schema data point queue_name
please use the following code. Note that it is necessary to sideload both Schema and Queue in the extension setup.
from txscript import TxScript
def rossum_hook_request_handler(payload):
t = TxScript.from_payload(payload)
t.field.queue_name = payload.get("queues")[0].get("name")
return t.hook_response()
Validate header fields
from txscript import TxScript, is_empty
def rossum_hook_request_handler(payload):
t = TxScript.from_payload(payload)
# Header total = subtotal + taxes:
if is_set(t.field.amount_due) and is_set(t.field.amount_total_base) and is_set(t.field.amount_total_tax):
amount_total_base = default_to(t.field.amount_total_base, 0)
amount_total_tax = default_to(t.field.amount_total_tax, 0)
amount_due = default_to(t.field.amount_due, 0)
if amount_due != (amount_total_base + amount_total_tax):
message = "Total invoice amount is not equal to the sum of amount base and the tax."
t.show_error(message, t.field.amount_due)
return t.hook_response()
Validate line items
In serverless functions, it is necessary to iterate the individual line items and perform the validations on row level:
from txscript import TxScript, is_empty
def rossum_hook_request_handler(payload):
t = TxScript.from_payload(payload)
for row in t.field.line_items:
if is_empty(row.item_code):
t.show_error("Item code is required on line items.", row.item_code)
return t.hook_response()
Working with "updated datapoints"
When users update any datapoints on the annotation screen, the serverless function can get triggered and the resulting values can get recalculated (assuming the extension is listening to "updated" trigger event). You can work with this information to either prevent the updates or optimize the execution (skip recalculations if not needed). To do so, use the following code:
from txscript import TxScript
def rossum_hook_request_handler(payload):
t = TxScript.from_payload(payload)
if in payload.get("updated_datapoints", []):
# Perform any logic when "my_custom_field" field is updated
# …
return t.hook_response()