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Deployment patterns

Each company has its own deployment pattern. The most common ones (supported by Rossum Sandboxing tool) are:

Single environment for sandbox and production

This is the simplest pattern for companies who do not have the need for separate sandbox environment.

To start using this patten, simply initialize a new project in some empty directory using the following command:

prd2 init

This command will create a directory structure according to your choices when executing the init command. For example:

? ORG-LEVEL directory name: production-org
? ORG ID: 123123
? Base API URL: (e.g.,
? API token: b1946ac92492d2347c6235b4d2611184
? SUBDIR name: default
? subdir regex (OPTIONAL):
? Would you like to specify another **SUBDIR** inside production-org? No
? Would you like to specify another **ORG-LEVEL** directory? No
│ Initialized a new PRD directory in "."

Will create the following tree structure:

├── prd_config.yaml
└── production-org
├── credentials.yaml
└── default

The project should be ready to go! Try it by pulling all the changes from your remote organization:

prd2 pull production-org

Once you commit this initial version to Git, you can update any configuration and deploy it to the same organization using the following command:

prd2 push

Two environments for sandbox and production

A bit more advanced setup with two environments: sandbox and production. Typically, the solution is first deployed to the sandbox organization (source) and once tested, released to production (target).

Work in progress

We're still working on this part and would love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to share your feedback or submit a pull request. Thank you! 🙏

Three environments for sandbox, UAT, and production

Finally, the most complex pattern with three environments: sandbox, UAT, and production. In this scenario, several environments are chained one after the other.

Work in progress

We're still working on this part and would love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to share your feedback or submit a pull request. Thank you! 🙏