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Postman collection

It might be useful to call NetSuite using Postman for testing purposes. Follow the guide on this page to be able to send requests directly to NetSuite.

SOAP requests

First, create a new Postman collection and use the following "Pre-req" script:

const account = pm.environment.get('account');
const consumerKey = pm.environment.get('consumer_key');
const consumerSecret = pm.environment.get('consumer_secret');
const tokenKey = pm.environment.get('token_key');
const tokenSecret = pm.environment.get('token_secret');

const timestamp = Math.floor( / 1000).toString();
const nonce = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random(10).toString();
const baseString = `${account}&${consumerKey}&${tokenKey}&${nonce}&${timestamp}`;
const key = `${consumerSecret}&${tokenSecret}`;
const signature = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(baseString, key).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);

pm.environment.set('signature', signature);
pm.environment.set('nonce', nonce);
pm.environment.set('timestamp', timestamp);

This script is necessary for signing all outgoing SOAP requests. It also implies that the following environment variables must be set:

  • account
  • consumer_key
  • consumer_secret
  • token_key
  • token_secret

It will in return create the following environment variables (to be used later in our request):

  • signature
  • nonce
  • timestamp

Next, create a new POST request in the created collection. Apart from the default headers, the request should have this NetSuite header (value depends on the request action):

SOAPAction: upsert

Depending on your NetSuite version and account number, the POST request URL can look like this:

And finally, the SOAP request body (raw XML). In this case to upsert a Vendor Bill record in NetSuite (notice the environment variables from above):

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsi="">
<signature algorithm="HMAC-SHA256">{{signature}}</signature>
<platformMsg:preferences soapenv:mustUnderstand="0" soapenv:actor="" xmlns:platformMsg="">
<ns0:upsert xmlns:ns0="">
<ns0:record xsi:type="ns169:VendorBill" externalId="__CHANGE_ME__" xmlns:ns169="" xmlns:xsi="">
<ns1:customForm type="customRecord" internalId="__CHANGE_ME__" xmlns:ns1=""/>
<ns2:entity type="vendor" internalId="__CHANGE_ME__" xmlns:ns2=""/>
<ns3:subsidiary type="subsidiary" internalId="__CHANGE_ME__" xmlns:ns3=""/>
<ns4:approvalStatus internalId="2" xmlns:ns4=""/>
<ns5:tranDate xmlns:ns5="">2024-12-24T00:00:00</ns5:tranDate>
<ns6:tranId xmlns:ns6="">__CHANGE_ME__</ns6:tranId>
<ns7:currency type="currency" internalId="1" xmlns:ns7=""/>
<ns8:class type="classification" internalId="__CHANGE_ME__" xmlns:ns8=""/>
<ns9:department type="department" internalId="__CHANGE_ME__" xmlns:ns9=""/>
<ns10:itemList replaceAll="true" xmlns:ns10="">
<ns10:item type="inventoryItem" internalId="__CHANGE_ME__"/>
<ns10:taxCode type="taxType" internalId="__CHANGE_ME__"/>
<ns10:department type="department" internalId="__CHANGE_ME__"/>
<ns10:class type="classification" internalId="__CHANGE_ME__"/>
<ns10:location type="location" internalId="__CHANGE_ME__"/>

Similar SOAP payloads can be found in NetSuite SOAP Web Services Usage Logs.

REST API requests

Work in progress

We're still working on this part and would love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to share your feedback or submit a pull request. Thank you! 🙏